About The Team
Rotherham has a highly committed and highly skilled workforce in the 0-5 sector who work in partnership to support children to thrive in their Early Years. All professionals working in the 0-5 sector in Rotherham have had the opportunity to access training around identifying and supporting young children with speech, language and communication needs and as a result of this are able to identify needs at the earliest opportunity and use effective strategies to engage and interact with young children. The Rotherham workforce includes:
- The Local Authority Early Years’ Service
- Speech and Language Therapy Service
- Early Help Service
- 0-19 Integrated Public Health Nursing Service
- Library Service, Museums and Theatres
Where children have speech, language and communication needs, a graduated approach to support is provided which may begin with a parent being signposted to online resources or being informed of groups run by the Early Help Service in Children’s Centres across the borough. If the child attends an Early Years setting, they may be invited to participate in intervention groups focused on their specific needs. In some cases, children will be referred to the Speech and Language Therapy service for more targeted support. It is our aim in Rotherham for children and young people to start school ready to learn for life and we place the highest emphasis in supporting children to acquire critical speech, language and communication skills to enable them to flourish and succeed.